Bolt-Action World War 2 Wargames Rules

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Bolt-Action World War 2 Wargames Rules
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Regles parachutage

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Regles parachutage Empty Regles parachutage

Message par cansampol Mar 29 Oct 2013 - 17:35


Quelqu'un pourrait m'aider sur la façon d'utiliser le parachutage, impossible de bien voir (ou comprendre) dans le livre.


Messages : 23
Date d'inscription : 12/09/2013
Age : 46

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Regles parachutage Empty Re: Regles parachutage

Message par Dynamo59 Mar 29 Oct 2013 - 17:52

je n'ai passouvenir d'une règle de parachutage....

Messages : 605
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2012

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Regles parachutage Empty Re: Regles parachutage

Message par cansampol Mar 29 Oct 2013 - 17:55

c'est bien ce que je pensais, il n'y en a donc pas ?

Messages : 23
Date d'inscription : 12/09/2013
Age : 46

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Regles parachutage Empty Re: Regles parachutage

Message par Invité Mar 29 Oct 2013 - 18:49

Je ne crois pas.

Peut être dans un supplément à venir...


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Regles parachutage Empty Re: Regles parachutage

Message par craig Mar 29 Oct 2013 - 20:44

Il n'y a rien dans le bouquin, mais comme je compte bien refaire Eben-Emael, un de ces jours, nous avons écrit une règle maison. Simple et efficace. Cool 

Messages : 2122
Date d'inscription : 14/10/2012
Age : 51
Localisation : Hell'sass

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Regles parachutage Empty Re: Regles parachutage

Message par Invité Mar 29 Oct 2013 - 20:49

craig a écrit:Il n'y a rien dans le bouquin, mais comme je compte bien refaire Eben-Emael, un de ces jours, nous avons écrit une règle maison. Simple et efficace. Cool 
Au tour 3 les belges se rendent d'office ?


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Regles parachutage Empty Re: Regles parachutage

Message par craig Mar 29 Oct 2013 - 21:03

Si tu arrives à placer les charges d'explosif aux bons endroits, oui ! Wink

Messages : 2122
Date d'inscription : 14/10/2012
Age : 51
Localisation : Hell'sass

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Regles parachutage Empty Re: Regles parachutage

Message par Dynamo59 Mer 30 Oct 2013 - 9:58

il y a relativement peu de règles Skirmish qui simulent les parachutages.. Craig, tu peux nous faire partager votre travail?

J'ai un truc, très chiadé (BGWWII) avec calcul de déviations de sticks etc;; Tirs end escente et tirs sur paras en descente.. Je peux te le passer, donnes-moi ton adresse en PM

Messages : 605
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2012

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Regles parachutage Empty Re: Regles parachutage

Message par Invité Mer 30 Oct 2013 - 10:16

Mais question, sur Eben Emael; ils étaient en planeur ?

Donc vous faites des règles différentes pour représenter les deux ?


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Regles parachutage Empty Re: Regles parachutage

Message par craig Mer 30 Oct 2013 - 10:19

C'est prévu aussi... Wink

Messages : 2122
Date d'inscription : 14/10/2012
Age : 51
Localisation : Hell'sass

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Regles parachutage Empty Re: Regles parachutage

Message par craig Mer 30 Oct 2013 - 10:23

Mais il y a eu des paras aussi, à Eben-Emael. Les charges creuses ont été amenées en planeurs, soutenus par un assaut para classique.

Messages : 2122
Date d'inscription : 14/10/2012
Age : 51
Localisation : Hell'sass

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Regles parachutage Empty Re: Regles parachutage

Message par Dynamo59 Mer 30 Oct 2013 - 10:35

Précision importante, cette règle est utilisée dans un système ou les actions se font à l'échelle de l'individu et non du squad/Team.. c'est pour cela qu'elle est détaillée. En tranchant dans levif, je pense qu'il y a moyen d'obtenir quelque chose.. A vous lire

With the development of aviation in the 20’ and 30’, most nations developed Airborne troops. Red Devils in the UK, All Americans and Screaming Eagles, in the US, and Fallschirmjäger in Germany. All these troops were used  as the first wave in assault. Creta 1941, D-Day and Market garden are the main paratroopers actions of World-War II.


Stick. Paratroopers are organised into “sticks” to load onto and exit from aircraft. The typical “stick” of paratroopers could be anywhere from 15 to 20 men, depending upon the unit and/or specialty attachments such as medics and demolition teams. For game play, sticks are comprised of a squad of men (10) plus an equipment bag.

Aircraft exit. Paratroopers exit from aircraft in a particular order. Please, refer to the Paratrooper stick graphic for the particular order. When determining location of the individual landing spot, use this order to determine which miniature is next.

Path of entry. Choose a corner of the game table to serve as the path of Entry. This will be the theorical path of the aircraft flying over the game table. All measurements for determining the landing spot of an individual paratrooper will be from this point.

Descent. It is assumed that the turn before the Paratrooper is placed on the board, he is using two actions to descend to the ground. During each action of this phase, the paratrooper is a viable target if spotted.
Range: a descending paratrooper is considered at 48” for spotting and targeting during the first action of descent. During the second action, he is considered at 24” range.
Actions: Paratroopers may not perform any actions during their descent.
Shooting . Anytime someone shoots at a descending paratrooper, they will receive a -4 Modifier to hit. Randomly distribute damage effects through the entire stick.

Landing Limitations. Only one stick can land during a Game turn.

Touchdown location. Measure the Table X-Axis and the Y-Axis in inches. Divide the X and the Y-Axis each by 20, rounding down. To determine the exact spot where a paratrooper lands, roll two d20 one for the X-Axis and one for the Y-Axis. This die roll is then multiplied by the number you derived from your table measurements. The result is the number in inches along the particular Axis your paratrooper landed.  By cross-measuring both the X and the Y-Axis, you will get the exact location of the Paratrooper.

Example :
The Table X-Axis is 4 feet or 48 inches. The Table Y-Axis is 8 feet or 96 inches. 48 divided by 20 = 2.4, rounded down to 2. 96 divided by 20 equal 4.8, rounded down to 4. the player rolls two d20 one for the X-Axis  (scoring 6) and one for the Y-Axis (scoring 7). The derivation for the X-Axis will be 6 x 2 = 12, and for the Y-axis 7x4 = 28.

Deviation to avoid Obstacles. If a paratrooper’s location is an obstacle, such as a building, tree, or water, that figure may attempt to slightly adjust his landing point by playing his chute line.   To attempt to deviate, the paratrooper must first pass a Skill Check. If successful, the figure may actually touch down 3” in any direction from the Touchdown Location rolled. This assumes the paratrooper is either moving forward (stalling out the chute) or backward (dropping faster) to avoid an obstacle.

Landing. Upon determining the touchdown location for the paratrooper, lace the figure on the board and roll a Skill Check.  If successful, the paratrooper is considered standing and can continue spending actions as normal. If the paratrooper fails the Skill Check, the figure must roll on the Bad Landing Chart.
Skill Check Modifier.  When landing, a Skill Check is modified by whatever terrain the paratrooper lands in. Example; a Paratrooper lands In Light Woods and thus adds +3 modifier to his Skill Check roll.
Trees and Woods : Any failed Skill Check when landing in trees or woods results in the paratrooper hanging from the tree instead of hitting the ground. The Paratrooper must still roll on the Bad landing Chart but, with a -5 modifier. See Chute Extraction for how to get our of a hanging position.
Buildings. When landing on a building, a paratrooper rolls a Skill Check as normal. If successful, the paratrooper will simply “slide off’ the roof of the building and onto the ground in a prone position.  If failed, the paratrooper will roll on the Bad Landing Chart with a -5 modifier to the die roll. Further, the paratrooper is considered to have “rolled off” the roof of the building and onto the ground. If the paratrooper rolls a 20 on his Skill Check for a roof landing, then he is considered stuck to the roof and hanging over the side. The paratrooper still must roll on the Bad Landing Chart as above.
Deep Water. If a paratrooper lands in deep water, a Skill Check is rolled as normal. If successful, the paratrooper will spend the next two actions ditching all his gear. He only gar the figure is allowed to keep is anything that is strapped on his leg (i.e. knife, Hawkins mine, etc..). The paratrooper is the free on subsequent actions to “swim” out of the water at a rate of 3” per action. If the paratrooper fails his skill Check, he must roll on the Deep Water landing Chart.

Chute Extraction. Upon landing, a paratrooper must use one action to get out of his chute.
Cutting the Chute. When a paratrooper is caught in a tree or a building and is hanging by his parachute, he must cut his way out of the chute. Cutting the chute takes one action. After cutting the chute, the paratrooper must immediately roll on the G column of the Effect Chart to see if he takes any damage as he hits the ground.

Hiding the Chute. In some clandestine operations, it is important to hide the parachute upon landing. It takes two actions to roll up the parachute and hide it in +3 or more terrain.

Jumping Empty Handed. Paratroopers did not usually jump with their guns in their hands. Many times, their weapons were broken down and stored in protective cases, slung over their backs or dangled in bags at the feet of the trooper. Some unit commanders in the Normandy campaign did not let their troopers jump with loaded weapons for fear of accident or attracting enemy attention. Thus, when paratroopers hit the ground, each must spend one action to “lock and load”. Remember to do that before you go looking for the enemy.

Equipment Bags. Each stick that lands on the board ill also have an equipment bag/container that lands with it. This bag/container is typically loaded with extra ammo and medical supplies for the squad. There is also provided a random Content Chart so that any equipment bag/container found can be searched.
Equipment Bags Landing. Determine the landing of the equipment bags with a Skill Check of 10. if failed, roll on the Equipment Bag  Damage Chart. Follow all other landing rules. Any equipment bag that lands in deep water is lost.

Capture. A paratrooper landing within 6” of enemy figure(s) must make an immediate Gut Check. If successful, the paratrooper has decided to fight it out. If failed, the paratrooper must immediately surrender and is Broken. Captured paratroopers may be rescued by other paratroopers if not removed from the game area first. A captured paratrooper cannot aid in his own rescue until Rallied by friendly troops. Heroes will never surrender. Removal of chute and harness is still required, even if captured.

Surprise. Paratroopers dropping out of the sky in the dead of the night was an awe-inspiring and terrifying sight.  When landing, any enemy figure(s) on sentry duty and who is within 6” of the landing paratrooper must immediately pass a Gut Check or be Broken.  If successful, the enemy figure may spend his next action as normal. If broken, the enemy figure takes a ½ Skill Check with a successful roll indicating the figure is sounding the alarm  while running.  All hero and Coward rules apply.
Sounding the Alarm. Sounding the Alarm (either by flare gun, telephone, whistle, or good old fashioned shouting) requires a Skill Check on any action after contact with the enemy. It takes one action to wake sleeping troops once the alarm is given, and two actions to get them armed and ready for combat.


“Team of One” Morale Check. Because of the unique nature of the night parachute drops in Normandy, some troopers simply “froze up” when they suddenly found themselves behind enemy lines, in the dark and alone.  A special Morale Check must be taken  by an “isolated” figures (out of Command range and LOS to friendly units) with Morale of 13 or less. This special check comes at the end of every game turn, but is only for figures acting alone. “Teams” of two or more, as well as anyone with Morale of 13 or higher are immune to the check. Troops that fail the Team of One check will freeze in place and drop prone until they either Self-Rally or found by friendly units. They do not need to Rally if found by friendly units. Hero and Coward rules apply.

Passwords and Crickets.
Passwords and Crickets, as used by some of the 101st and 82nd Airborne units in Normandy, can be used to aid in assembly of troops after landing. It will take both parties one action to use and complete the password/cricket sequence. The action will then benefit the next available Sighting Check causing the night distance to only be doubled instead of tripled. Only one roll is made for both password users involved. The enemy may use the password sequence to attempt a Sighting Check on the paratroopers as well with the same chance (see Night Rules and sound).

Hand to Hand. Paratroopers are well trained in close combat and each wields a combat knife designed for killing.

Fighting Medic. Paratroopers had more medics than Regular Infantry units. In Battleground World War II, each “stick” of paras is considered to have one trained medic. This medic looks and acts just like all the other paras, he is just a trained medic.

Specialized Equipment. Because of their special role on Assault Operations, Allied Paratroopers were armed with an array of different weapons. In addition to their personal weapons, each paratrooper will have the following : Two Mk. IIAI Hand Grenades, two Gammon Bombs, one M15 Smoke Grenade, and one Hawkins AT Mine.

Messages : 605
Date d'inscription : 15/10/2012

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Regles parachutage Empty Re: Regles parachutage

Message par cansampol Mer 30 Oct 2013 - 11:06

ok merci

Messages : 23
Date d'inscription : 12/09/2013
Age : 46

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